Norwegian Energy Circle - NES

On this page you can read more about our energy work. Our circle is taking place in the little town of Jevnaker, Norway.

The people attending this circle is people wanting to learn more about mediumship and ITC - Instrumental transcommunication.

ITC is an audible/visible contact with the spirits.

Each month we are publishing a newsletter - more to come in English.

Our circle started gathering January 2024 and is already progressing their work, working towards building and ITC bridge.

In our newsletters you can find articles about mediumship and the paranormal. We share our own and already published articles about ITC and mediumship.

If you are interested in the field of ITC, send us a message if you wish to collaborate and share your progress. We are happy to share our work, send us a message if you have any questions.


Er du interessert i ITC/EVP arbeid?

Lyst til å lære mer? Vi deler gjerne vår database med arbeid som er blitt gjort innen dette feltet de siste 100 årene.

Send oss en melding davel, vi svarer så raskt vi kan.


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Kontakt oss også gjerne via sosiale medier.